Sunday, June 1, 2014

Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family

Happy June, Primary Friends!
Summer is coming, and that means great weather, no school, and LOTS of free time!  I've uploaded the June 2014 Newsletter, and here are some other things you can do if you're feeling bored.  (By the way, don't use that word if you can help it!  If my mom ever heard us say we were "bored", she had a whole list of chores for us to do!)

Anyway, summer vacation is a great time to work on memorizing the Articles of Faith.  Here's a great interactive tool to get you started:  Articles of Faith Memory Quest

Here's a short play you can put together with some friends or for Family Home Evening: The Magical Marvelous Magnificent Club

Try the Salt Lake Temple Puzzle or you can color online, too.

Read My Dad, My Friend, and think about how you can prepare to be a mom or dad someday.

Here's a fun logic puzzle from the June 2008 Friend:

Gifts for Father
Each of the four Collins children, including Amanda, decided to make gifts for their dad. One of them made a giant chocolate-chip cookie. From the clues below, can you discover who gave each gift?

1. Elizabeth doesn’t bake cookies.
2. Stephen did not make the picture frame, but his brother did.
3. One brother made the scripture bookmark and one of his sisters made the card with heart stickers on it.
4. Alex and Stephen want to be just like their dad.

1. ____________ made the giant chocolate-chip cookie.
2. ____________ made the picture frame.
3. ____________ made the scripture bookmark.
4. ____________ made the card with the heart stickers on it.

And finally, our song this month is Truth From Elijah.